The Planning

The Plan
  1.  First session will be gathering information about you, signing paperwork, discussion about my work as a sexuality coach, payment discussion, and setting up plans for you and I to meet.
  2. Second step is to find out and clarify as much possible what is it that you want - your goals, and plans. Setting up framework, and treatment plans to help you getting from point a to point b; and so forth.
  3. In order for me to help you, I will ask you questions in hopes to get answers from you. The answers should be from your heart, your soul and mind. I will not generalize or be judgmental with you, ever. Please be prepared to be asked a lot of questions from me. This will help me understand you 100% and provide you with the right coaching necessary for you.

The Solution

Sexuality Coaching focuses on emotional education. You and I will learn to identify different emotions that are within us, to understand how they developed, and adopted judgments, ways of being and commitments that control you and I.

Emotional education?? It means learning to become aware of our feeling, in which means you would use your emotions to educate yourself because your emotions are waiting to be revealed to you.

However, with emotional education - you are going to learn to take responsibility as an adult for the things that have happened to you in the past - the decisions that you made, the choices that you made, and the commitments that you made. It won't be easy. It can range from easy to extremely difficult. The goal is to help you understand why you are facing such challenges for yourself, but know this I will be with you and helping you.


How you achieve your results depends on how much power you give yourself to help yourself. I will support you in any way in reaching your potential. The important thing is putting forth energy and time in having a desired results that will help you in your life.